Remote obsession I 2005
is referring to a basic method of investigating police: photos of the incidents and the scene. In an ironic form, as the persons in the photos weren´t the real victims, but an artistic recreation of the real facts. Art is using elements of daily life changing its sense, quoting the ideas of Marcel Duchamp remadeand bricolage.
In reality the bodies were those of victims of the indescribable cruelty of the murderer, some were violated, some tortured, but all of them lost their liberty being tied up with plastic bags of well-known supermarkets.
My photos show the victims as they might be have been found and photographed by the policemen in different places of crimes, being a forest, tarmac, a sandy beach, a swimming pool or a riverside. The scenes determine a particular geography and on the other hand only allow to watch the victims in the nearest surroundings. The understanding of landscape and abstraction is crucial for this work. Talking about of one specific place one is talking about completely different places, cities, countries, continents. I am referring to the idea of a non-place, of something happening at the same moment without taking into account different cultures and traditions. It´s an global incident.
Realized as part of the exhibition project:
von 05.04.2005 bis 04.05.2005
Lambda Prints I Instalation I © 2005