Deconstructing the Wild <–>Child I 2018
This Learning Unit aims to understand whether the history of the construction of fantasy and creativity as related to the “exotic Other” still informs current methods and ideas of museum, gallery and art education practices (not only) for children – and if so, how these connections work. We propose to look at parts of this history through our own experiences and ideas in respect to art education for children. The figure of “the child” as innocent, in need for guidance and protection with an embedded potential for fantasy and creativity that should not be spoiled by “civilization” is in itself a construction that underpins the concepts of Child Art of the 19th and 20th century and might still unconsciously inform our own ideas and approaches.
Learnig Unit developed by Karin Schneider, Andrea Hubin, Carla Bobadilla
Thanks to: Nora Landkammer, Carmen Mörsch, Maja Renn, ZHdK and many others
Commissioned and supported by Another Roadmap School of Arts Education
Text I educational tool I ©2018